f,dafla ;sfhk f,dl=u jdydk lvk ueIska tl 
fïflka ´fku jykhla l=vd lE,s j,g lvkak mq¿jka 

n,kaku jákd ùäfhda tlla 

The largest machine in the world was created to study the tiniest composition ... Itseems that though she can muscle her way through tons of soil, debris .... With its brightly painted guardrails and ladder, the front end looks more like a yacht than a work machine, but the ... Top 10 Weirdest Spa Treatments

ifï r;= meye;s bß we;sùu fyda iu bÍug ,la ùu isÿ jkafka Tnf.a wdydr rgdfõ we;sjqKq wl%ñl;djhka fya;=fjks'neÆulg jqjo jd;h msrjQ úg th we§ulg ,la fõ' YÍrho tjeksu l%shdjlg ,lafjk ksidfjka iuo we§ug ,laù bÍula we;sfõ'ifï we;s mgl j,g isÿfjk ydksh fya;=fjka fuu le<e,a Tng oel .; yelsfõ'fuu le<e,a we;súh yels m%Odk;u fya;=ka f,i .¾NkS wjY;dj"ldh j¾Ok l%shdjka j,§"wêl ;rndrelu"YÍrfha wêl j¾Okh jeks wjia;djka oelaúh yelshs'fndfyda fj,djg fuu iu we§u ksid we;sfjk le<e,a oelsh yelafla w;aj,"oKysia kefuk ;ek msgqmi"fn,a,"nv yd l,jd m%foaYhka wdY%s;jh'fuu le<e,a bj;a lr .ekSu i|yd ksjfia§u isÿ lr.; yels myiq l%uhla ms<sn|j my; i|yka lr we;'

wjYH o%jH

fldams l=vq
T,sõ f;,a


fldms l=vq wjYH m%udKhg f.k thg WKq j;=r uola oud fyd¢ka l,jï lr .kak

T,sõ f;,a f.k by; ñY%Kh YÍrfha .e,jd ;eìh yels ;,mhla mßÈ jk ;=re oud  fyd¢ka l,jï lr .kak'

le<e,s we;s m%foaYh fyd¢ka msßisÿ lrf.k fuu ñY%Kh tys wdf,am lr iïNdykh lr ñks;a;= 20la muK ;nkak

ñks;a;= 20la wdf,amkh .d ;eîfuka miq isksÿ frÈ lene,a,lska wdf,amkh bj;a lrkak

fuu m%;sl¾uh lsÍfuka miq Èklg lsysm jrla  ifï f;;ukh /fok mßÈ we;s l%Sï j¾.hla tu m%foaYhkays wdf,am lrkak

Tn úiska fuu m%;sldrh le<e,s ueflk f;lau bjiSfuka  È.gu isÿ l, hq;=hs'

fuu ùäfhdajkï úYaul¾uhla 

t<smsg hl=ka t,jk ,xldfõ yduqÿrefjda 
yduqÿrefjdaf.a jev t,smsguhs ) lsisu nhla ke;sj hl=ka t,jkjd 

his Video is made in Sri Lanka. The monk has immense power to deal with spirits. The spirit here in the woman's body is a devil called Bahirava who has been very angry and gone wild because the treasures guarded by him was stolen by shamans using powerful mantra.
He had tried to take revenge from the shaman but had failed due to protection by mantra. So he tried to take 3 lives from one family. The family searched for help from some other shaman, but he was an evil one who tried to take the treasure him self using this woman as a bate. After so much trouble they heard about this monk who had supernatural power to control evil spirits. 
Now after few days the spirit has become friends with the monk & and he tells the whole story behind the scene.... The monk feeds him with Water-melon. The devil loves it .. but the monk asks help from the devil to treat a paralyzed 15 year old girl with a non traditional shock therapy... with a "devil scream"
I had the chance to witness the whole unbelievable thing while I had a visit to the temple...
It was incredible how this monk has the power and loving kindness to take control of the spirits in minutes if not seconds...and persuade them to be calm and nonthreatening...if not helpful to people...

fï ùäfhda tl n,oa§ lÿ¿ tkak ;rï ÿlla oefkkjd
weia fkdfmkqk;a ;du;a <uhskag ix.S;h W.kakkjÆ
 whym;a ld,.=Kfhka neg lE furg ,laI .Kkla ck;djg ;ju;a ;u iqmqreÿ Ôjk rgdjg msúfikakg yelsù keye'

jif¾ Èk 365 mqrdjgu idudkH Èk p¾hdjla .; lsÍug Nd.Hh fkd,o wirKhka isõfofkla le<UqKq fidndoyu fya;=fjka lnf,ka ,smg jegqKq mqj;la y,dj; uhslal=,u me;af;ka jd¾;d jqKd'

y,dj; uhslal=,u BnÜ‌ is,ajd j;af;a fjfik wd¾tï .=KjxY we;=¿ mjqf,a isõ fokl=o .xj;=r yuqfõ Èk y;la ksjfia /£ bkak isoaOfj,d'

lEula ke;sj ojia 7 la hklx f.jmq Ôúf;a .ek úY%dñl ix.S; .=rejrfhla jqKq ksjfia .Dy uQ,slhd jqKq wd¾'tï' .=KjxY uy;d lsõfõ fï jf.a l;djla'

~.x j;=f¾§ wmsg lsis fohla lr .kak neß jqKd'' we|ka uÜgugu j;=r wdjd' b;sx wms we|ka Wvg Wiai,d tajd Wvg fj,d ;uhs ysáfha' wmsg ;du;a iykhla ,enqfKakï keye'' wms ojia 7 ka ojia mylau wms fkdld fkdî ysáhd',

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